Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Crikey! An update!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs...some recent photos to share with all y'all:

As I'm using the "email update" function to post, the photos may not come out with their correct caption...BUT some you smartypants can figure it out.  

1) 4-star hotel?
2) mystery the animal?!? (quite tasty, I might add)
3) random...uh...scary looking thing on the sidewalk (it's about the size of a housekey)
4) mud huts on fire...actually, just clearing some land.  Might friendly of the neighbors to share their smoke with us...cough, cough...

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


First person to comment with the the present-day name of "Haute-Volta" gets...well, golf claps!

yes...I am planning on continuing my blogging

Finally getting consistent internet access here in Africa helps too!

Will be uploading photos and random thoughts...more or less randomly. :P

Medicina Bona, Locis Malis