Happy early April Fool's Day!
Hard to believe it's almost been exactly a year since I left my cushy (hah!) job at Desert Thunder and started on a path that's led me to where I am right now. I start my BSM (Brévet Ski Militaire) qualification soon, and right after that I start my CP04 (Combat Engineering) qualifications, and right after that I undergo another week of MINEX (things that go BOOM!) certification. In all, about 2 months of probably pretty intensive training both physically and mentally. I don't know how often or how much I'll be able to get online, or even have QL (Quartiér Libére – permission to leave the base), so I apologize in advance if you email and I don't answer right away.
The last couple of weeks have been really good for the morale. I have improved my fitness quite a bit here, as we run quite a bit, along with plenty of other physical exercises. I'm not the fastest, fittest, or strongest, but I am pretty well balanced. I am aiming to finish in the top 10 in my training section, maybe even the top 5 depending on the skiing goes, and thus enhancing my chances later on being selected for "stagés", or specialist courses. There are some pretty amazing athletes here; we have a sargent who can climb the 6 meter rope upside down, in addition to descending upside down. There's a caporal-chef with 16 years of service...I always listen carefully and try to remember everything he says; as they say, he's been "around the block" quite a few times.
I will definitely have pictures after. In the mean time, I hope everyone back in Arizona and Texas is enjoying the great spring (read: WARM) weather.
good thing all the goodies arrive safe and sound :) OB
Lurch sent me. Good site. Bonne chance, dude.
Lurch sent me. Glad he did - I'll be around.
Happy B day!
My name is Sgt. Daniel Keller
I wnat to join the legion and the only problem I will have is getting out of America to France without a passport because i have 2 felonies on my record, the first one is a rape 3 i was 18 and had a 17 year old girlfriend, the second is an unlawful use of a weapon charge i knifed a guy up and kicked his face in and left him for dead. self defence. if i could get to France, would the Legion take me without a passport/ ID / or with my felony record and the fact i would be abandoning America to serve in the Legion? I have 8 years of military experience with 2 years of that as US Army Infantry
Can you help me?
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