J'espère que ce message vous trouver dans la bonne humeur.
OK, so I absolutely SUCK at being a blogger. And don't suggest I start Twittering either...
Suffice it to say that since my last post, some goals were achieved, some goals failed, some goals modified, and some completely discovered to be...ah....impractical. But I have emerged from that a bit more confident on my abilities in certain realms, and will mostly certainly be challenging those skills in the near future. Most certainly, I am well in mind, spirit, and body. 3 years of this adventure has passed, and while there have been rough patches, I think I can confidently say that it has been an extremely positive experience thus far.
The biggest "news", if you will, is that I'm going on yet another mission in less than a month. And this time, "c'est la guerre". In mid-November, I will be deployed under NATO command in Afghanistan, as a combat engineer/combat medic (yes both, it just means I'll be packing a lot of kit on my back), until June 2010.
I've heard that internet access is available and possible at the FOB I'll be stationed at, but reality will be determined once I get boots on the ground. So I hope to be in touch in somewhat more of a regular basis, even if it is just short updates. Also, anybody that happens to be on Facebook and would like to be my friend (ha, that sounds funny), send me an invite if you'd like. I may not get back to you quickly, but I WILL get back to you. I do have an actual snail address available, but don't want to post it online, so if anyone is interested in mailing me an actual physical representation of their thoughts, please email me for the snail mail address (oh the irony).
Take care, be good, and eat your vegetables.
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